Hi! I'm Jordan,

I'm driven by creativity and fueled by a love for machine learning and robotics.

check out my projects
Photo of me

Genetic Algorithm Wireframing

I created a genetic algorithm capable of generating wireframes for unique web designs. It also uses color contrast to find an appropriate and readable text color.

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Genetic Algorithm Wireframing

Creamy Classifier

This project sought to find an accurate sentiment analysis model for Ben & Jerry's ice cream reviews using machine learning classification. I created a dynamic web based platform to accept new reviews and classify them in real time. This platform also allows for user feedback and a continuously improving model...

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Creamy Classifier

Flappy Bird AI

I created an implementation of Flappy Bird using Python and Pygame and used it to train an agent to play the game using the NEAT method.

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Flappy Bird AI


In this project, I designed and constructed an interactive robot who can recognize certain people and react differently to them.

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summary informed book suggestions

uses LDA based topic modeling as a basis for book recommendations.

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summary informed book suggestions

about me

Jordan =

[creative, researcher, scientist, engineer, machine learning, robotics, positive change maker, learner, enthusiast]

check out my projects!
Links to my github profileLinks to my Medium blog posts. Links to my linkedin profile

I love machine learning.

I aspire to pursue a career in machine learning and artificial intelligence, with a passion for making a positive impact on society. My ultimate goal is to leverage cutting-edge technologies to support sustainability, diversity, and mobility efforts, and help others in a meaningful way.

I'm an enthusiastic learner.

I have a deep passion for exploring and learning about various fields, ranging from machine learning and engineering to my hobbies such as web design. I find great pleasure in discovering innovative ways to approach challenges and constantly seeking new opportunities to expand my knowledge.

B.S. in Physics

University of Denver | 2018-2022
  • Minored in Computer Science, International Studies, and Mathematics

  • Officer of Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Society

  • Received Outstanding Physics Student Award

  • GPA of 3.91 and was on the Dean's List

  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude

M.S. in Electrical Engineering

University of Denver | 2021-2023
  • Concentration in Controls & Communications Systems

  • Took courses focusing on machine learning and robotics

  • Participated in robotics research labs

  • GPA of 3.86

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Languages & Frameworks

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